Medication information

Kaletra 100+400mg/5m oral liquid

This medication is typically used for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).


This medication is typically used twice a day. However, your pharmacist may have suggested a different schedule that is more appropriate for you. To ensure exact dosage, measure each dose with an accurate device, such as an oral dosing syringe.

It must be used regularly and continuously to maintain its beneficial effects. Be sure to keep an adequate supply on hand. If you forget a dose, take it as soon as you remember -- unless it is almost time for your next dose. In that case, skip the missed dose. Do not double the next dose to catch up.

This medication is more effective if taken with food. Always take it with a meal or a snack.

Side effects

In addition to its desired action, this medication may cause some side effects, notably:

  • it may cause headaches;
  • it may cause diarrhea;
  • it may cause stomach ache;
  • it may cause muscle weakness;
  • it may cause nausea and vomiting.

Each person may react differently to a treatment. If you think this medication may be causing side effects (including those described here, or others), talk to your health care professional. He or she can help you to determine whether or not the medication is the source of the problem.


Keep this product in the refrigerator. If stored at room temperature, it will remain effective for 42 days only. Make sure that any leftover portion is disposed of safely. This product must be kept in its original packaging. Do not transfer it to another container.

Additional Information

The use of this product is occasionally associated with changes in the distribution of body fat. You may notice a loss of fat in your face, arms, legs or hips, or you may notice an accumulation of fat in your abdomen, chest or neck area. These changes do not occur with everyone, and they are influenced by factors such as age, illness and the use of other antiviral medications. For more information, consult your health care professional.

This medication may interact with other medications or supplements, sometimes significantly. Many interactions, however, may be dealt with by a dosage adjustment or a change in medication schedule. Check with your pharmacist before using this medication in combination with any other medications (including non-prescription products), vitamins or natural products.

A treatment with this medication requires regular monitoring by a doctor. Be sure to see your doctor for all regularly scheduled appointments.

General notes

When meeting with any health professional, it is important for you to share the following information:

  • Your medical history and allergies (medication, food, or other);
  • If you're pregnant or want to become pregnant, or if you're breastfeeding;
  • If you use tobacco or cannabis or its derivatives, or if you use recreational drugs;
  • The names of all the medications you take, whether you take them regularly or once in a while, including over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and natural health products.

It is also strongly recommended that you keep an up-to-date list of all the medications you take and carry it with you at all times. This could be useful if you have to see a health professional or need emergency care.

Keep all your medications out of the reach of children and pets and return any unused or expired medications to the pharmacy for proper disposal.