Major therapeutic interest
- Treating skin lesions, moderately deep wounds, and first- and second-degree thermal burns (gel used topically);
- Relieving occasional constipation (latex taken orally).
Other therapeutic interest / Traditional Use
- Treating genital herpes (gel used topically);
- Treating desquamation, erythema, and infiltration linked to psoriasis (gel used topically);
- Reducing undesirable effects on skin caused by radiation therapy: erythema, desquamation, and itching (gel used topically);
- Lowering blood glucose levels in diabetics (gel taken orally);
- Treating hyperlipidemia (excess of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood) (gel taken orally).
Latex (taken orally):
- Children under 12 years of age;
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- Cardiac diseases;
- Abdominal pains of unknown origin;
- Heavy menstruation;
- Intestinal obstruction, acute intestinal inflammation;
- Diarrhea;
- Chronic or severe constipation;
- Hemorrhoids;
- Ulcers;
- Appendicitis;
- Kidney disorders;
- Varicose veins;
- Long-term use (more than 8 to 10 days).
Gel (taken orally):
- Diabetes: Use carefully, under close medical supervision with closely monitored blood glucose levels.
Important Notice
- Although aloe gel is traditionally believed to reduce blood glucose levels when taken orally, no aloe products can replace conventional diabetes medication. Medication prescribed by a physician should never be replaced with an alternative remedy. Self-medication can cause serious problems. Diabetics using aloe as a supplement require strict glycemia monitoring;
- Aloe gel should not be applied to severely infected wounds.
Drug Interactions
Known human interactions
- Increases the hypoglycemic effect of Diabeta;
Suspected interactions
Latex (high doses or long-term use):
- May increase potassium loss caused by diuretics (Hydrochlorothiazide, Lasix, Aldactone, etc.) and corticosteroids (Prednisone);
- May increase the effect of Lanoxin;
- May decrease the absorption of oral medications due to accelerated intestinal transit.
- May increase effect of insulin and oral antidiabetics (Actos, Diamicron, Avandia, Glucophage, etc.), requiring dosage adjustments for diabetic patients.
Parts used
Latex (sap) and gel (from the leaves)
Main constituents
- Latex: Anthracenic derivatives (anthraquinones, barboline, isobarboline, aloe-emodine, etc.), bitters;
- Gel: Polysaccharides, pectins.
- Note: The latex and gel act in different ways.
Other names
Aloe vera, Aloe barbadensis, Aloe capensis, Burn Plant