Major therapeutic interest

  • Reducing excessive perspiration and hot flashes caused by menopause;
  • Used as an antiseptic for oral hygiene (sore throat, oral ulcers, herpes labialis, inflamed gums);
  • Treating digestive disorders (slow and difficult digestion, bloating).

Other therapeutic interest / Traditional Use

  • Improving mental capacity and behavior in early phases of moderate cases of Alzheimer’s disease.


  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Abortive effect and reduction of breast milk production;
  • Epilepsy: Difficulty controlling seizures;
  • Hypertension: Use with caution under close supervision (hypertensive effect);
  • Diabetes: Use carefully, with closely monitored blood glucose levels (hypoglycemic effect).

Important Notice

  • Due to the very high concentration of thuyones in the essential oil of sage, it may cause nervousness, tremors, epiletiform seizures, psychiatric and sensory disorders, vomiting, tachycardia, and kidney damage when taken in high doses for extended periods of time.

Drug Interactions

Known human interactions

  • Decreases the effect of Tegretol CR (after concomitantly taking grapefruit and sage: onset of convulsive episode).

Suspected interactions

  • May decrease the efficacy of other anticonvulsants (drugs used to treat convulsions and epilepsy: Dilantin, Phenobarbital, etc.);
  • May alter the effect of oral hypoglycemic drugs (Actos, Diabeta, Diamicron, Avandia, Glucophage [Metformine], etc.) and insulin;
  • May heighten the sedative effect of medications that affect the central nervous system (Ativan, Lectopam, Oxazepam, Valium, Xanax, barbiturates, etc.)

Parts used


Main constituents

  • Essential oil, flavonoids, diterpenes, triterpenes, phenolic acids, tannins.

Other names

Salvia officinalis, Common sage, Garden sage