Anti-aging supplements do not rejuvenate
Apparently, the fountain of youth does not yet reside in hormonal supplements. A rigorous study conducted in elderly men and women to test the “efficacy” of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) supplements and testosterone patches resulted in disappointing findings for those who were hoping to get reacquainted with their youth. In fact, these two substances did not improve the strength or physical performances in any way, nor did the participants experience other health benefits.
Apparently, the fountain of youth does not yet reside in hormonal supplements. A rigorous study conducted in elderly men and women to test the “efficacy” of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) supplements and testosterone patches resulted in disappointing findings for those who were hoping to get reacquainted with their youth. In fact, these two substances did not improve the strength or physical performances in any way, nor did the participants experience other health benefits.
The body uses DHEA to produce sex hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. The human body produces DHEA but it starts to dwindle after the age of 25. Advertising for DHEA usually boasts their rejuvenating effects. In the United States, sales for these products actually reach 50 million dollars per year.
DHEA supplements are sold over the counter but testosterone must be prescribed by a physician. It is notably used in the treatment of mood and sleep problems or sexual challenges linked to andropause. However, this substance could increase the risk of suffering from prostate cancer or cardiovascular disease.
Despite having been banned by sports associations, some athletes still use DHEA and testosterone to increase their performances. American cyclist Floyd Landis lost his title as the winner of the Tour de France after tests revealed an elevated concentration of testosterone in his urine.
Aside from illicit use, some scientists were curious to see if these substances may be helpful to senior citizens. Studies showed instead that using these products does not and will not “rejuvenate” oneself.
If you want to age healthfully and have plenty of energy to accomplish your projects, you may as well rely on winning strategies that have solid track records: healthy diet, regular physical exercise, better stress management, quitting smoking and moderate alcohol consumption.
Live strong and healthy!