For individuals who suffer from chronic insomnia, studies show that simple changes in their lifestyle habits and sessions of psychotherapy have an effect as beneficial, if not better, than sleeping pills. It is important to know that these medications can be useful for a short period of time, less than two weeks to be precise. Even though their real effect on the quality of sleep subsides thereafter, their adverse effects remain.
The changes in lifestyle habits that have proven efficient in improving the quality of sleep are not at all complicated. One of the most effective methods is controlling stimulus, with the primary goal of reserving the bed for two activities only: sleep and sexual relations. Hence, we should avoid watching television, eating and reading in bed. And we should not go to bed when we are not sleepy. In this case, an individual who is unable to sleep should get out of bed after fifteen minutes to do a relaxing activity. It is better for an individual who is unable to sleep to return to bed once they are sleepy again, than to persist in trying to fall asleep. You should also turn your alarm clock around so you are unable to see the time. It is also recommended we wake up at the same time every day of the week, and even on weekends. In addition, we should avoid napping for more than fifteen minutes during the day, to avoid impairing sleep at night.
There are other elements to help you find restful sleep. They involve regular physical exercise (but not too late in the evening), eating light dinners, as well as limiting our intake of caffeine and alcohol. The environment where you sleep also plays an important role: you should make sure the room is dark enough and that the room temperature is cool.
Although these solutions may sound too simple to solve your sleep problems, you should know they have proven themselves time and time again! Many high-quality studies have demonstrated that individuals who had modified their lifestyle habits linked to sleep fell asleep more quickly and slept longer than their peers. Furthermore, there is no risk of experiencing the adverse effects associated with sleeping pills, such as diurnal fatigue, confusion, etc. If you are having problems sleeping, do not attempt to change everything at once. Try changing one thing at a time and be patient. While it may take longer to see the results from these uncomplicated changes, they will be long-lasting! Sleep well!