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Have a positive pregnancy test? What happens next?

Published on March 15, 2022 at 17:49 / Updated on May 2, 2022 at 20:16

Your first pregnancy is an important, significant step, which can even make you dizzy and overwhelmed. There are multiple sources of information and no end of outside opinions, so it’s important to take a step back and think about what happens next.

Was this pregnancy wanted? How are you coping? Familiprix is there to help you in your adventure to motherhood.

Check for pregnancy

If ever you notice a delay in your period, you should take a pregnancy test. Several types are available in stores and they almost all work the same way. Follow the instructions and in a few minutes, you’ll have a positive or negative result. Today’s tests are increasingly more sensitive and accurate, and with some brands you can even get your result before your period is late.

The earlier the pregnancy is detected, the more time you’ll have to make an informed choice, for you and for your baby. If you have doubts about the result, learn a little more about the reliability of pregnancy tests.

Find a doctor or a midwife

If your pregnancy test is positive, it’s important to schedule an appointment with a doctor or a midwife. Not all family doctors handle Pregnancy check-ups. You can register at the Ma grossesse service provided by the Government of Quebec to find a professional who can oversee your pregnancy.

Normally your first medical consultation will be between your 8th and 11th week of pregnancy.

Your healthcare professional may ask you about the date of your last period, the number of pregnancies you’ve already had, your family’s history of diseases and special conditions, as well as those of the father, your current condition and your lifestyle habits, in addition to performing a physical examination.

Thereafter, if everything goes normally, your appointments will be regular but of shorter duration, once a month until the 30th week of pregnancy. Near the end of the pregnancy, these appointments will be more frequent.

Speak with a pharmacist

If you’ve just learned that you’re pregnant, feel free to seek information from your pharmacist.

If you have medication to take, they can guide you regarding your prescriptions and the possible risks to your health and that of your baby.

Also, under certain conditions, they’ll be able to prescribe folic acid and multivitamins. Ideally, folic acid should be taken at least 3 months before becoming pregnant, as well as throughout pregnancy. In the case of an unwanted pregnancy, don’t worry. Consult your pharmacist to benefit from their advice as soon as possible.

Managing your emotions

Whether planned or not, pregnancy is often emotionally-charged, especially during the first trimester. Learning and announcing the news, dealing with early pregnancy symptoms and the physical and hormonal changes are all elements that are likely to generate an unsuspected wave of emotions.

Discussing and confiding in your partner, relatives or friends who are moms or pregnant can be reassuring.

However, if you feel overwhelmed by your emotions, consulting a healthcare professional could help you better manage the situation. Sometimes you can suddenly feel unprepared and stress can get in the way.

Don’t shoulder everything yourself and remember that your well-being and that of your little angel must be the top priority. You’ll now be surrounded by a team of professionals who will help you through this next stage of your life.

Eat healthily and have good lifestyle habits

A healthy and varied diet, rich in folic acid, iron, calcium and vitamin D, normally provides the essential elements for the baby’s development during pregnancy. Eating well helps things progress better and helps reduce fatigue and low energy.

Good lifestyle habits, such as sleeping adequately, staying reasonably active, eating and hydrating properly and ignoring harmful substances, including alcohol or tobacco, increase the chances of having a worry-free pregnancy.

The first symptoms

Although unpleasant, nausea and vomiting are often among the first symptoms of pregnancy. Your pharmacist can provide you with some tips to reduce the intensity and frequency of nausea. Under certain conditions, they can even prescribe a treatment to relieve you.

Take the next steps

In addition to consultations with your doctor, blood tests and urine tests, as well as screening tests and ultrasounds, will be offered to you throughout your pregnancy in order to ensure your health, as well as that of your baby.

To find out more about pregnancy examinations and check-ups, consult the guide prepared by the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) (French only).

Pregnancy brings its share of worries and strong emotions. Know that you are not alone! At Familiprix, you have access to experienced pharmacists who can guide you through the first stages of pregnancy.  

Want to continue reading about this subject?

Also read the pregnancy section on Vie de Parents (French only).

PSST! From belly to baby

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The drugs and pharmaceutical services featured on the website are offered by pharmacists who own the affiliated pharmacies at Familiprix. The information contained on the site is for informational purposes only and does not in any way replace the advice and advice of your pharmacist or any other health professional. Always consult a health professional before taking or discontinuing medication or making any other decision. Familiprix inc. and the proprietary pharmacists affiliated with Familiprix do not engage in any way by making this information available on this website.