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Relieve muscle and joint pain with Arnicare®

Published on May 27, 2024 at 18:41 / Updated on June 5, 2024 at 18:35

Written in collaboration with Arnicare®

Muscle and joint pain is an unfortunate part of everyday life for many people. They can be triggered by many causes: a fall, a blow, an injury or surgery, etc.

Before turning to medication, there are several methods of relieving or alleviating pain, including:

  • Cold compresses can be used in the first 48 hours after an injury.
  • Heat compresses may be preferable after 2-3 days of ice or if you experience chronic pain. Whether hot or cold, both can be beneficial, so choose what gives you the most relief!
  • Swimming or taking a bath can also relieve muscular tension. 
  • Gentle stretching is also recommended.
  • Consulting with other professionals, such as massage therapists, physiotherapists, or even acupuncturists, can also be beneficial.  

Arnica and its benefits

Arnica montana is a perennial member of the daisy family, found in the mountainous regions of Central Europe. Growing wild in acidic soils at altitudes of over 800 meters, it is renowned for its therapeutic properties, notably for relieving muscle and joint pain, inflammation, and bruises and bumps. Arnica's effects are numerous, as it is a plant rich in over 150 active therapeutic substances1,2, making it a natural remedy appreciated from ancient times to the present day.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the "traditional" use of arnica "as a local treatment for pain and inflammation caused by minor contusions and accidents (bruises, hematomas)" as well as in "the local treatment of inflammation, insect bites and superficial phlebitis (the presence of a blood clot in a vein under the skin, such as a varicose vein)".3

Products in the Arnicare® range

The Arnicare® range of homeopathic products is based on natural-source ingredients, including Arnica montana, which is recognized for its multiple therapeutic virtues. All Arnicare® products can help relieve muscle and joint pain as well as help heal bruises, contusions and inflammatory edema caused by trauma. The whole family can use these products, including children aged 2 and over, and contain no parabens, fragrances or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Arnicare® Gel

Shop Arnicare®

The Arnicare® product range is available in different formulations: gel, cream, tablets or gel with a ball applicator.

Arnicare® Gel is a flagship product. It is appreciated by users for its cooling effect upon application and its rapid absorption. 

A quick tip: To increase the sensation of freshness, store the tube of Arnicare® Gel tube in the refrigerator.

For further information, we recommend you consult your healthcare professional, as homeopathic products may not suit everyone. Always read the product label before use. 


1. Pinkas M., Pinchon T.M. Arnica montana L. (Asteraceae) ; in Cornillot : Acupunture & Médecine traditionnelle chinoise, Phytothérapie & Aromathérapie, Homéopathie. Ed. Fison-Roche, 1996, 77-83.

2. (6) Hänsel R., Keller K., Rimpler H., Schneider G. Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis 5. Auflage. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1992, Band 4 : Drogen A-D, 345.

3. Monographie OMS ARNICA – 2007 : page 89

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