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Planning for a smooth transition to retirement

Published on April 18, 2023 at 12:13 / Updated on April 18, 2023 at 13:29

Retirement represents a whole new stage of life. The thought alone can create excitement and anticipation but also fear and nervousness. To prepare for retirement, you need to consider your priorities, determine your interests and assess your financial situation. However, beyond this planning, retirement requires a particular mindset that motivates you to take the plunge.

A major life change

Retirement is a radical change in a person's life. It generates a whole range of emotions, sometimes positive and sometimes negative. Taking stock of your specific situation is appropriate in these circumstances.

Reflect on what you want out of retirement

Retirement is an important transition period in a person's life—and many people eagerly look forward to it. However, retirement can lead to a loss of reference points and changes in habits that can be confusing in the first few months. Some people feel overwhelmed by their new situation when they arrive at retirement. That's perfectly normal! After all, the last upheaval of this magnitude was the transition from school to work (or the arrival of a child... which is also very disruptive!).

The goals, challenges and rewarding accomplishments associated with work are now a thing of the past. For those who define themselves primarily through work, the transition to retirement requires some introspection so that they can redefine themselves differently.

That's why it's important to stop for a moment to take stock, ask yourself the right questions and set new goals:

  • What changes does retirement bring to your life? What things remain the same? If the unknown scares you, take the time to analyze the situation and see what doesn't change. 
  • What do you like about your job, and how can you incorporate it into your new life? Do you miss any particular task, the feeling of being useful or the social aspects of work? Some people like to feel busy and have full days.
  • What are the benefits of retirement for you? Is it the joy of no longer being stuck in traffic or reducing daily stress? You have to take into account the simple pleasures of life.
  • Are your colleagues part of your circle of friends? If so, plan activities with them! Are there any childhood friends you'd like to reconnect with?

Finally, it's time to revive your favourite hobbies, try new experiences, and discover new interests. Whatever the case, there is inevitably food for thought.

If you feel that the transition to retirement is difficult and that your reflection takes time, don’t hesitate to discuss it with a healthcare professional who will help you establish a new foundation.

Keep an agenda

To keep the blues at bay, organization is key. You can avoid boredom by setting up a structure in your daily life. You can, for example, write down your hobbies and activities in a diary, making sure not to overload on engagements and tasks. 

Certain lifestyle habits help you take charge of your life and stay active, such as getting up at the same time every day, planning physical activities, leisure activities, meals with family or friends, taking care of your grandchildren, etc. The agenda lets you have an overview of your activities and plan moments of rest and relaxation. You are retired, after all!

Ease into it with your spouse

Retirement is a major transition in a person's life. It also has an impact on a couple's life. Although sometimes both life partners are ready to retire at the same time, the situation is often quite different. It is important to have good discussions with your spouse to understand each person's motivations and issues. Age difference, state of mind and financial situation are just a few factors that come into play when discussing retirement. Take the time to create a retirement plan that can work for both of you! 

Ideas to pass the time

What should you do in retirement? Many people ask themselves this question. Well, it's the perfect time to revisit your favourite activities or discover new ones that you’ve been interested in for some time.

Get moving!

Regular physical activity helps prevent certain illnesses and depression. Exercise gives you energy and puts you in a good mood. It goes without saying that staying motivated is easier if you are interested in a particular sport, whether it is swimming, cycling, dancing or anything else that brings you joy. There are many ways to get moving on a daily basis, such as gardening, cleaning or walking to the grocery store!

Start new projects

Perhaps you've saved some plans for retirement because you were too busy with work, family and raising your children. Now that you have some free time, you can dive into projects that are important to you and make them happen!

Do volunteer work

Volunteering allows you to leverage your experience and knowledge for the benefit of others. It is a great way to redefine yourself if work was an important part of your life. In addition to feeling helpful, you will meet new people and create friendships. Volunteering is an activity that is good for you and good for others!

Try new experiences

Now is the time to seize every opportunity that comes your way! It's never too late to discover a new skill or interest. If you feel like it, take up painting or drawing, learn new recipes, discover new board games, meditate, garden, write in a journal, etc. There is no limit to what you can do!

Take a course

Do you enjoy learning? If so, upgrade your skills or learn something new. Taking classes are now very accessible for retired people, including learning a new language or exploring arts and crafts. Just ask your municipality or school for information. Moreover, online training is a fascinating alternative for many!

Working part-time

If you're still in shape and miss the working world, working a few hours a week is possible, not out of necessity, but out of pleasure. Retirement doesn't mean you can't take your resume somewhere and discuss your needs and expectations.

Imagine experiencing a whole new work environment that appeals your interests, whether it's working on a golf course, in a home decorating store, or any other place you enjoy the atmosphere. A part-time job provides some extra income as well as the opportunity to meet new people and socialize.

Take care of yourself

Now is the time to think about yourself. Take the time to do what you love, pamper yourself, and rest. Health is crucial to a happy retirement, so be sure to schedule a thorough check-up at the doctor's office. And don't forget to take care of your appearance, because it's always good for your morale and self-esteem!

One thing is for sure, life doesn't stop at retirement. On the contrary, this life stage is filled with many possibilities, depending on your personality and aspirations. It's entirely up to you!

Happy retirement!

Article written in collaboration with Vie de Grands-Parents.

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