Putting an end to New Year's resolutions
What if people swapped resolutions for lifestyle changes? There’s nothing better than family support to motivate one another and to change our habits, so imagine supporting each other, but together. Do more group sports, spend more quality time together away from your screens, cook meals together in groups of three, four or six! Familiprix and Vie de Parents provides you with some ideas to help you adopt healthy habits as a family, which is the key to starting the year off on the right foot.
Review your prioritiesRevoir nos priorités
Those who love lists will immediately understand, but there’s something stimulating and motivating about creating a list of goals. If the list is created for multiple people, it takes on an entirely new dimension. You’ll encourage each other, listen to each other and congratulate each other!
Here are a few example:
- Take stock as a family about what you want, and what you wish for the coming year. Create a list of your goals, and give your dreams and passions names.
- Get your family to reflect on the past year’s joys, highlights and successes and determine how your New Year begins.
- Make a list of different ways to spend quality time as a family. Then put those ideas into a jar and pull one out at an appropriate time. Give your family a surprise each month or every three months; this quality time then becomes an objective.
Feel free to create tables to make it visually attractive, clear and understandable, especially for the little ones.
Write “Move” on the schedule
Be more active, and be active better; this is undoubtedly THE challenge that churns in many people’s minds. But this goal is easier to achieve than you think. Even with young children!
One of the easiest ways to be active more often is to take active transportation rather than a vehicle to travel to certain destinations. Not only will you move more but you will also set a great example for your children that a car isn’t always the best option. It will give you time to chat and enjoy some time in the fresh air outdoors. Another good reason is that using active transportation improves mood and focus, while helping to reduce stress and anxiety.
And if this change is difficult to make, you can always combine various means of transport, such as driving a certain distance and walking the rest.
Another way to be more active is to register for physical activities as a family. Whether it's free swims at the neighbourhood pool, yoga sessions or parent-child dance classes, there are choices. You can also do it more spontaneously and go climb a mountain or discover a forest on snowshoes. Whatever the activities, you’ll have a great time with your family and you’ll pass on the notion of healthy mind - healthy body, regardless of age!
Broaden your cultural horizons
Sharing cultural knowledge is at the heart of family life and sometimes this is overlooked. And yet, it’s a great way to spend quality family time, learn more about the members of your tribe and discover new artists.
Here are some ideas:
- Organize a book club with books that are suitable for all the members of the family: comics, children's books, or poetry are good examples. Encourage one another to read and then discuss the book. It can open up some wonderful conversations.
- DJ Fridays. During dinner, each member of the family plays their current favourite piece of music. It’s a great way to hear different material and to discover other’s tastes. For toddlers, let them sing a new nursery rhyme that they just learned at daycare.
- Visit a new cultural place. This could be a museum, a theatre, or a festival. Enjoy experiencing something unusual or even a theme that is dear to your family unit.
- Prepare a talk about an artist who appeals to you. Once a month, everyone gets a chance to present an author, an actor or an illustrator for example, whose work you like. You can show the artist's works, play an excerpt from an interview or simply tell their story.
- As a family, create a unique fresco to display on a wall in your home. This could be a painting, a collage, or a drawing; everything is possible and appropriate! You can follow a theme or go for it in the abstract. The goal is to have fun together and learn about a new type of visual art.
The idea is to make a few choices that will put family happiness and your own well-being at the core of your priorities. Aim for fun and healthy changes rather than the pressure of keeping resolutions, and that may be your best first step to start out the new year.